L1-01D.32 – Aim Away From Windows

L1-01D.32 – Aim Away From Windows Windows cannot only reflect infrared energy, but they can also allow sunlight or lights from cars to pass through to the detector....

L1-01D.31 – Avoid Reflections

L1-01D.31 – Avoid Reflections Infrared energy can be reflected off of any glossy surface such as counters, mirrors, windows, floors with glossy finish, and slick finished concrete. Avoid directing at a window, heat source or reflected heat source.  ...

L1-01D.30 – Avoid Drafts

L1-01D.30 – Avoid Drafts Inside A Front Door The area around a window or door will let air in Wind or cold or hot air may impact your...

L1-01D.29 – Avoid Temperature Changes

L1-01D.29 – Avoid Temperature Changes Different surfaces will conduct outside heat and cold differently. Windows may change more rapidly that walls for example Unstable temperatures lead to false alarms Outside A...

L1-01D.28 – Avoid Vibrations

L1-01D.28 – Avoid Vibrations Mount on a stable wall or ceiling Vibration caused by wind, traffic, pumps, etc. will lead to false alarms Small vibrations on a wall will cause a large difference in what the detector looks...