L1-R.02 – Adopted Standards

L1-R.02 – Adopted Standards Mississippi Law MSA Level 1 Any of the last three editions of the International Building Code and any additional codes as adopted by the Mississippi Building Code Council.2015 International Building Code2012 International Existing Building...

L1-R.03 – Alarm verification

L1-R.03 – Alarm verification Mississippi Law MSA Level 1 An attempt by a monitoring company or its representative to contact a burglar alarm location or a burglar alarm user by telephone or other electronic means to determine whether a burglar alarm signal is valid in...

L1-R.04 – Lock Out Codes

L1-R.04 – Lock Out Codes Mississippi Law MSA Level 1 Each alarm contracting company engaged in alarm contracting who sells an electronic protective system to a consumer shall immediately return the lockout, installer or programming code of the electronic protective...

L1-R.05 – CP01 Required

L1-R.05 – CP01 Required Mississippi Law MSA Level 1 “Burglar alarm” or “burglar alarm system” or “intrusion detection system” or “electronic protective system” means an alarm, alarm system or portion of such an alarm or...

L1-R.01 – Mississippi Law

L1-R.01 – Mississippi Law Mississippi Law MSA Level 1 Mississippi Electronic Protection Systems are regulated by the Department Of Insurance – State Fire...