L1-15E.04- Service Considerations

L1-15E.04- Service Considerations Note how you can get to equipment after it is installed in order to service it Plan for increased maintenance for outdoor...

L1-15E.02- Keep it Simple

L1-15E.02- Keep it Simple Over complicated systems can lead to: False Alarms Service calls to explain operation Dissatisfied...

L1-15E.01- Job Plan Considerations

L1-15E.01- Job Plan Considerations Job documentation What you learn on the survey Existing building or under construction? Permit or inspection requirements Access to work site Availability of equipment Availability of workforce Schedule of other trades Weather...

L1-15D.24- Seal All Penetrations

L1-15D.24- Seal All Penetrations A fire stop, when properly installed, does exactly what it says. It stops the spread or advancement of fire from one section of a structure to another If you drill a hole you break the fire stop Seal it with an approved...