L1-12B.04 – Scales

L1-12B.04 – Scales Check the scale to verify what you are measuring Digital Multimeters may automatically adjust to what is being measured For example Ohms are measured in multiples of ten and given the designation ‘K’ or ‘M’ with...

L1-12B.03 – General Meter Use

L1-12B.03 – General Meter Use Set to measure what you want to measure, volts, amps, ohms Check the range setting to make sure you will not exceed it Power down when not in...

L1-12B.01 – Analog Multimeter

L1-12B.01 – Analog Multimeter Used to measure electrical quantities such as voltage, current resistance, frequency, and signal power An analog multimeter displays these values via a dial, typically a moving pointer Analog is best for detecting...