L1-13B.14 – Driver, Vehicle, etc.

L1-13B.14 – Driver, Vehicle, etc. Pay attention Focus on driving not cell phone, radio, lunch, map, etc Wear seatbelt Obey traffic laws Keep vehicle maintained Drive...

L1-13B.13 – Clothing, Hair & Jewelry

L1-13B.13 – Clothing, Hair & Jewelry Wear proper clothing Keep long hair, ID badges and jewelry out of the path of drills Use care with metal watches, rings and jewelry around...

L1-13B.11 – Most Common Causes of Accidents

L1-13B.11 – Most Common Causes of Accidents Failure to communicate Coordinate with fellow workers and others on each job Poor work habits Pay attention, avoid horseplay , do not rush Drug or alcohol use Lack of skill Unsure how it works – Ask for...